WE GO - Centrally Located, Locally Moving


The Township has developed a long-range transportation master plan to improve how all modes (walking, cycling, driving, etc.) move in and around the Township! The plan was endorsed by Township Council on May 27, 2019 and the Township has published the Notice of Study Completion for a 45-day review period in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. Comments on the final plan will be accepted until July 22, 2019. The plan builds upon work previously completed by the Township including the Official Plan, Strategic Plan and Trails Master Plan as well as past transportation related initiatives.


  1. Assess existing conditions and identify transportation improvements
  2. Assess bypass, transit, parking and traffic calming alternatives and identify policy improvements
  3. Prepare the Transportation Master Plan report and implementation plan. Ensure that this plan is integrated with other municipal plans

From the beginning of the study in 2017, the Transportation Master Plan involved extensive public and agency consultation. Public Open Houses were held on October 17, 2017 and April 4, 2018. At this meeting, display boards were presented that showcased how the project is progressing, along with the feedback compiled to date.

In June 2018, Council received the draft Transportation Master Plan for review. View the draft plan here.

On May 27, 2019, the final Transportation Master Plan document was endorsed by Township Council. View the final plan here.


What are your thoughts about the Transportation Plan

The final Transportation Plan was presented to Council on May 21, 2019. The plan sets a vision for a sustainable transportation future that maintains and enhances the quality of life in the Township, addresses pressing transportation needs, and plans for the future to accommodate forecast growth. This plan was created in conjunction with the Official Plan, Strategic Plan, Trails Master Plan as well as past transportation-related initiatives to ensure existing conditions and improvements were identified. Please take a moment to review the Transportation Master Plan and let us know your thoughts. We are accepting comments until July 22, 2019.


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