The Project

The Township of Centre Wellington initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study for the Union Street Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) to meet the demands of future development areas. This assessment considered numerous SPS and/or collection system upgrade alternatives to identify a preferred alternative. The Study Area for the assessment is shown here:

The Study Process

This Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study is being carried out in accordance with the requirements as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document (March 2023). This study will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of a Schedule B study. This study will confirm proposed future flows given current development forecasts and identify necessary upgrades along with a preferred location for the upgrade Sewage Pumping Station.

Consultation Plan

A key component of the MCEA process is consultation with members of the public, external agencies, and Indigenous Communities. The following consultation activities were carried out as part of this Study process:

  • Creation of a webpage on providing project details, notices, technical resources and updates;
  • Virtual Public Information Centres (PIC) were planned throughout the project to present key aspects of the process and obtain public input.
  • Update to Township Council following the PIC
  • Advertisements of all project notices were placed in the Wellington Advertiser.


A suite of servicing alternatives were reviewed as part of the MCEA Study. Based on a detailed evaluation, the preferred alternative is to construct a sewage pumping station internal to the South Fergus lands capable of conveying all sewage from the future development lands directly to the Fergus Wastewater Treatment Plant via forcemain. With this preferred alternative, no upgrades to the Union Street SPS would be required at this time. Therefore, a Municipal Class EA is no longer required for the Union Street SPS, and the project will be closed.


If you have any questions or comments at this time or if you would like to receive future notices for this study via email, please contact one of the Project Team Members identified below:

Ryan Maiden, P.Eng (Water and Wastewater Capital Project Manager, Township of Centre Wellington)

519-846-9691 (Ex. 259) /

Gemma Charlebois, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. (Technical Manager, Water/Wastewater, MTE Consultants Inc.)

519-743-6500 (Ex. 1227) /