Project Description

We are creating a clear and complete Levels of Service (LOS) plan to meet the 2025 requirements outlined in Ontario Regulation 588/17. We will also build on the work already done in the current asset management plan to make the most of our resources and provide better value for our staff and the community.

The most important outcomes of the Township’s asset management planning practices are an understanding of the services and service levels to be provided, and balancing these service levels with risk, and the cost associated with providing these services to residents and businesses. Municipalities use assets to provide services. Asset investment decisions are based on the types of services that residents and businesses are (and will be) receiving, as well as the quality (or “level”) of those services.

The Township strives to balance providing a breadth of services, at the appropriate levels, while keeping costs and associated risks as low as possible. This balancing of service benefit, risk, and cost is considered the ultimate goal of asset management planning. The Township’s asset management plan reflects the current services and levels of service delivered as well as the proposed future services and levels of service, including assessments of how the Township will fund changes in services and service levels, in moving from “current levels” to “proposed levels”. These changes may include enhancing levels of existing services, reduced service levels, or the provision of new services.

Many factors play a role in determining what services the Township provides and at what levels. These include various legislative requirements, community expectations, financial constraints, available resources, as well as strategic planning goals and objectives. With the Township’s asset management plan due for an update in 2025, we are seeking public input that will help support the development of a levels of service framework for the next 10 years including assessing performance, risks, costs, funding and identifying any gaps.

The Levels of Service Community Survey is now closed.

Thank you to those who took the time to share their thoughts!