Short-Term Rental (STR) have become an option in the past few years as Airbnb and Vrbo became popular approaches to marketing accommodation online. Soon more established sites like which used to deal exclusively with hotels and motels began listing other forms of accommodation as well. The on-line STR rentals can be anything from individual rooms to complete apartments or houses, including those with special features. Online marketing approaches have also evolved, and now many B&B establishments use them as well.

Several municipalities have taken a variety of approaches to regulating STRs, often adopting approaches that relate to local conditions. Where some STRs have created problems (noise, parking, letter, safety) the regulatory approach has been able to respond to those issues. Where available housing for long-term residents or unfair competition with traditional accommodation has been a concern, the regulatory approach has been a stricter form of regulating these concerns.

However, STRs do provide additional accommodation for visitors – attending community events, visiting families or simply enjoying the environment. Some property owners have found STRs to be a good way to bring in additional income.

Many municipalities simply do not regulate STRs, where no significant problems have emerged. However, municipalities that incur a significant number of visitors, such as those in “cottage country” around Georgian Bay, have adopted regulations aimed at improving safety, oriented to limiting nuisance, and sometimes aimed at limiting the STR impact on the market.

Have a Say!

We want to know how the residents and business owners in Centre Wellington feel about STRs and to identify an approach that would benefit our community. You can contribute by filling out a survey below or attending one of our in-person workshops.

Workshop Dates:

Wednesday, June 19 from 7-9 p.m.
Thursday, June 20 from 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.

To RSVP for a workshop, please email
